How would your strategy and leadership be different if your company was born in the future as an AI Native?
This course helps leaders learn, understand and apply 'AI Native' framework to reimagine their businesses.
The course helps leaders learn, apply and build comprehensive use cases for AI using the five dimensions of 'Thinking Like A Native' to their business: Discovery, Design, Dexterity, Deduction and Decision across customers, enterprise and ecosystem.
The course is based on 'Thinking Like an An Native' framework authored in the book, 'The Fast Future Blur'.
Design Your Business As An AI Native
The Best Ideas Come From Conversations ©
We listen to your business context and the challenges your leaders face. We will share ideas. We customize this course for your purpose. We will share insights and examples from our work with clients worldwide.
The Course Outline
The course is open to customization. We do so to the context of your company and specific focus areas or challenges.
This course can be delivered all virtual or hybrid or in-person.
1/ Introduction To AI Natives & The Evolution
The business assessment to identify traditional, digital and AI natives
The evolution of business models - Linear, digital, blockchain and AI
The linear to non-linear transition of business models
AI as a GPT
2 / Thinking Like An AI Native Framework
The key learnings from digital disruptors
Understanding the five dimensions of thinking like an AI native
Understanding the application of five dimensions across customers, enterprise and ecosystem
3 / The Customer & AI
Introduction to the five dimensions and the customer context
Learning micro-case studies of AI application in the five dimensions to the customer context
Identifying and crafting potential use cases for the customer context of your business
4 / The Enterprise & AI
Introduction to the five dimensions and the enterprise context
Learning micro-case studies of AI application in the five dimensions to the enterprise context
Identifying and crafting potential use cases for the enterprise context of your business
5 / The Ecosystem & AI
Introduction to the five dimensions and the ecosystem context
Learning micro-case studies of AI application in the five dimensions to the ecosystem context
Identifying and crafting potential use cases for the ecosystem context of your business
6 / The AI Native Company
Consolidate the use cases identified for your business for customers, enterprise and ecosystem
Identify and map the inter-linkages to design non-linear and value to the business
Principles of AI adoption in a company
With the principles, create a prioritization hypothesis to support a business case
7 / Using Design To Create Value
Just-In-Time-UX through AI. Conceptual walkthrough and practical examples
Generative AI reshaping the process of product research, product discovery, product design, product development, and product delivery
The 4D model (Discover-Define-Develop-Deliver) from an AI angle
Example of a framework in AI product development. There are other types of frameworks. Example from a framework in action
8 / The New Tech Stack With AI
A data approach to AI application in your business
Key developments in hardware driving AI disruption
Understanding LLMs, SLMs, LAM
IT Infrastructure changes due to AI
The technology challenges for AI transformation
9 / The 'Next Digital' Transformation
Understanding the value of digital
Mapping elements of change based on 'AI Native Company' picture
Mapping elements of success through purpose, people and process approach
The 'watch-outs' in a AI centric transformation process
We Are Explainers-In-Chiefs of The Future
Talk To Us.
We listen to your business context and the challenges your leaders face. We will share ideas. We customize this course for your purpose. We will share insights and examples from our work with clients worldwide.