How Companies Future Skill With Fast Future Fundamentals
First Come
First Serve
Companies recognize employees who take the initiative to learn. They buy bulk licenses and offer it to employees on a first-come-first-serve basis
Add To Talent Development
Companies add Fast Future Fundamentals as integral to their existing talent or leadership development programs
Skill Customer Facing Groups
Make it essential for employees in customer facing job families to directly impact the quality of customer conversations
Mix & Match Offerings
Companies also use a mix of the above three approaches to cover their employee development needs
"The session on AI was a great explainer and helped me understand the impact in my area of work for today and years to come"
Irina K
Customer Service Head
Hospitality Industry
Client Showcase
Building Future Ready Teams
Global Bio Medical/Bio Technology Company
A US$ 12b bio technology major integrates Fast Future Fundamentals into their Women's Leadership Development Program and Emerging Leaders Program
Leading Global Oil & Gas Industry Services Company
A US$ 24 b services major uses Fast Future Fundamentals for their global technology and software group in US, Europe & Asia.
An Iconic American Safety & Footwear Brand Company
A US$ 1b helps their top talent identified through their succession and talent review processes, uses Fast Future Fundamentals to develop a future world view
Leading Global Management Consulting Company
A US$36 b Global Consulting Company has their consulting teams learning Fast Future Fundamentals to impact client outcomes